Since I am afraid, I will run dry during Christmas of Krone these couple of lines for to ask you, Valdemar, when you have time and opportunity to sender’s 300 Krones, then I hope you can have peace from me for the rest of the winter. Now we have settled in our winter quarters. What happened is, we made the cabin bigger and this way we are so happy about the old ship that it was impossible to drive us out of it. Can you imagine, a ballroom in “Restmore”? That we have now! Of course, only a small one but still double as much room as we had before. We have taken out both couches (sofas) so the floor space is now just as wide as it is long and the one bunk – ours -is changed into a soft and comfortable couch. And there are wild plans floating around about to put the children in on the toilet and change their room partly to a big comfortable chair and 2 storage chests.

This idea I believe still needs a couple of explanations. The toilet will be taken out and put in the forward room, that will not be until spring, that the action will be accomplished when it’s Warm enough in there for the poor kids. The advantage is that we get more room in the cabin also that the children sleep more peacefully when we have guests. Since “Restmore” now is serving as a winter haven, we have installed a real heater that is making the cabin a lot warmer than the roof apartment in Kurd Adlers Street, but for us it looks a little ridiculous with the chimney pipe sticking out of the port hole but here it is unusual when a yacht does not have a heater. All the others have it even if no one lives on board in the winter and even if it is hotter here during summer than in Copenhagen. We have been quite lucky with friendship here, when we were installing the heater, by chance we met a young German engineer working in a factory with insulating plates and in addition by getting the oven he isolated it and in an easy way arranged a place for the oven. His friendship is very convenient. He and his wife come visiting us at least once a week and we have also been by them a couple of times, but they live a 2 hours walk away, so with the baby carriage it is not so easy. Last time we went at least one way easy because we got a ride with a Dutch Canal barge, That was a wonderful experience for us. We sailed from here at 7 o’clock in the morning so we were up before the devil I guess and were drinking morning coffee together with the Dutch family. They were a man and his wife and 5 children. The oldest was 12 years and the youngest Lars’s age. All 7 children – 5 and our 2 – were placed on a long couch and Lars and Anna enjoyed ….