I will post a image of the newspaper clippings here and a translation for the same one one each page.
This is the earliest one I have found so far. July 24 1934 Norway

Interview with a world traveler. July 24 1934
Skipper Peter Dohm talks about his plans
The sense of adventure knows no borders. A young man is standing there. man full of drive, fair-haired, tanned by sun and wind. His name is Peter Dohm, born in Cologne, a polytechnic student, unemployed for many years like so many of his peers. The problem he faced was whether he should rot away in inaction and unemployment benefits or get out into the world. Outside lay the adventure and the lure. He went on a hike and corral together with a friend, among other things, to Copenhagen. While he was walking and drifting, he had read about young men who had broken all bridges and given themselves to adventure in violence. Names like Alain Gerbault and Erling Tambs flashed before his inner gaze, and he thought: What if I tried the same thing?
One day he stood in Kjobenhavn yacht harbor and watched the sailboats there.
Many of them were strongly built and looked as if they could withstand a duel with an open ocean. Imagine having a dandy boat. But how was a wandering unemployed student to come into possession of such a boat? Such, he thought bitterly, is only for rich people and not for unemployed, adventurous youths. But the confusion did not last long. A decision grew in you: I want the boat. And he got it — after two years of waiting, during which he traversed the whole of Europe and a good part of Africa and sold prospectus cards to generate income for his big plan.
We had musical instruments with us and sang old folk tunes, we met people who were hiding the same dream as ourselves and who showed us a unique understanding. Many of them wanted to join us on every trip – and the trip was, of course, a round-the-world voyage.
Then they returned to Copenhagen. They got hold of a boat, the 10 meter yawl, which today sits outside the Sailing Association’s house at Dokkeskjæret. (South of Bergen Norway) But that did not solve the problem. The boat was in a bad condition, and it had to be put in a safe condition if it was to go on a trip like the one they had planned. Over a year passed before they had cleared that difficulty, a year full of renunciations, nine also of tension. And on 25 May this year, the course out of Kjobenhavn faced a favorable wind.
One thing we agreed on, we wanted to see Norway, the land of the Vikings, before we started the big journey. It set in with a violent north-westerly, and we had to seek a port on the Swedish coast. For three days the storm lasted, we did not wait that long, and then it went away again. We crossed and checked and finally we arrived in Oslo. then visited Colin Archer’s family in Larvik Norway and Erling Tamb’s in Nevlunghavn, Norway. It was an experience for us to meet him, and he gave us a lot of good advice, which we hope to benefit from. The journey from Nevlunghavn around the coast to Bergen has given us many good and interesting memories.
– And where is the trip going now?
– – We want to see Lofoten, Norway. And then we set course for the Shetland Islands and England. From there to the Mediterranean, where we will stay during the winter. And then we embark on the Atlantic Ocean. And finally, the South Sea.
This afternoon, the three young men are sailing from Bergen. The spirit of adventure knows no borders. And it overcomes all obstacles.