MS “Vinland” kidnapped 4/5 of the crews of “Restmore” for a trip to Europe on June 2nd.
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News of the Baby
From Key West and Miami to Atlanta, from Charlotte NC to San Francisco CA, The news of Per Alton Dohm being born was big.
Restmore in the KeyWest Nespaper
When Peter was in port he was very happy to talk to people. They would ask all kinds of questions of the trip and he would give talks about it to groups.
Fort Lauderdale News 1938 06 07 Page_3
Fort Lauderdale News write about life on board the sailboat and what is doing here at the dock.
Fort Pierce Tribune 1938 07 17 Newspaper about meetings
When they were in most ports they were invited to dine or speak of their travels and about life aboard the sailboat with little kids and they made it work. People were so amased at the couple that were on this grand adventure. This is from the Fort Pierce Tribune […]
Front Page Fort Pierce Tribune 1938 07 08 Newspaper
As you can see here in the above (larger below) story the details were a little twisted but the story was good and hard to pass up. Peter Talks of plans to do the “Great Loop” and of the stops along the way. He also talks of the trip going […]
And Baby onboard …
When they sailed in to Miami Fla the newspapers could not get over the fact that a couple in this small boat with 2 kids and one on the way, would be travling the world like this. This is the news that went out on the A.P. wires and was […]
The Virgin Islands Daily News 1937
When they made it to St. Thomas USVI They made the front page. They had just crossed the Atlantic and sailed up the Island chain and with each stop making news. It was then that they met the “Mistic poet” J.P. Gimenez who befriended them and wrote a poem about […]
In Poole England were the boat was built in 1911
When in Spain..
A journalist has arrived in Valencia in a boat… … THAT HE GOES WITH HIS WIFE AND HIS TWO CHILDREN AROUND THE WORLD TO TOUCH IN VALENCIA PETER Dohm, the Danish journalist who, aboard a sloop, Rest More, has just played in Valencia, as an obligatory stopover on his attempt […]
One of the writings that Peter Dohm sold to a sailing Magazine.
Here is the pages of it and below is the translation of it. Sailing as an old folk sport. The Canary Islands lie precisely in the trade fair belt, so a fresh wind blows from the north-east all year round. This, of course, has its influence on the whole of […]