Guadeloupe, 11/12/1937
Dear Marie and Valdemar,
Now I believe I have waited too long to write again but as usual I wrote that we wanted to leave Martinique in the middle of October but it was of course also November before we got off and to avoid repeating the mix up with the letters from Dakar and Cap Verde I thought it was better to stay quiet and silent until we reached here. Now that really was a good excuse. On account of too little wind we also went in a little anchoring spot on the way but we laid there one day by the yacht club who got the idea to try a trip in a real ship and another day by too high ground sea swells with the next day became even worse and forced us to sail away. We had already once been drifting and arrived yesterday here after the wettest trip due to heavy rain. Peter got 4 pairs of pants wet and therefore after arrival he couldn’t go to town because of shortage of unmentionables and now I have to thank for your long letter, Marie, you really are great polishing all day and in the evening writing letters. I never polish anything. Everything that is brass here on board is painted black. The departure from Martinique was of course full of rum and good things. The consul sent a whole case with different kinds of provisions on board. And the consul’s wife produced not fewer than 4 new dresses for Musen and since the number of Mademoiselle’s dresses now are more than 20 there isn’t much room left over for our wardrobe. Here we have a friend, a doctor, with a car. He came visiting this evening and said that 8 days stay here is too short so now we probably have to drive a little more.