Barcelona, 2/2/1936

Barcelona, 2/2/1936
Would you like to see “Restmore” again and family Dohm in the near future? Then call up Fox Film and ask about when and in what movie theatre they will show the famous ship leaving, and if you spend the money for a ticket for yourself you will supposedly see the family on board, Lars hoists up the flag, Peter shows the course on the chart, and also the start of the voyage. Yes, the day before They took the movie films of us yesterday. On Monday we are going to see the movie here in a theatre. I wonder what Lars will say to that story. Anna was as usual when she has to be photographed very shy and we were not able to get a smile out of her. Unfortunately, I could not get any definite time when it will be shown in Copenhagen but maybe you can get that information investigated without the necessity to go to all the movie theatres after every program change. Otherwise the time here in Barcelona has been Toyland for us. Friendly ladies, small children and elderly gentlemen Bring Lars and anna dolls, cars, drums, musical things, balls, face masks, frogs, Mickymouses, and paper hats, so Peter gets tempted to stand up at the corner and sell toys so we again can get room for ourselves in “Restmore”.
Besides all the toys followed visits of a lot of people, invitations to carnival in the Scandinavian Club and other mondain restaurants of which although we have not taken advantage of yet but of course at least I will go one evening in the Scandinavian Club, the chairman is Danish and has honored us with a visit. The most interesting guest was a doctor who talked away and in a matter of half an hour painted a paradise still life for us by means of his making connections with a whole row of firms for whom we should make advertisement, he promised up certain items that we could use in the best Barcelona social life, driving around in town on sightseeing trips and a lot of other things. We were a little confused about what we should believe and now we have discovered that one of the Spanish character’s is to promise everything and come true with nothing. Another is that his motto is “manyana”, which I guess is translated into “tommrrow”, and really when Peter should pick up the photographs, the article, and the money from the newspaper they said “manyana”, whereupon the next day he really got the photographs, the other things he could get “tomorrow”. Then he got the article back, and finally the day after that the money. Not alone is that with the “manyana”, but if it finally has become tomorrow then they say “uno momento” and then you can stand there without any reason and wait. So you have to give yourself a lot of time here in Spain.
Since we probably will get a bigger dentist bill here it is probably better, we get a good amount of money this time in pesetas 300 – if Valdemar also could buy some of them in Copenhagen, it will of course be in paper and not in 5 peseta pieces. otherwise we could get a big job to make sure if they are not fake. The business people here are very suspicious and every time you pay with a coin it gets thrown down on the marble plate, so that the coin jumps half a meter up in the air again when they don’t they are false. The people who make them cannot be wealthy here, but back to the subject will you, Valdemar, send 300 pesetas, address still “El Consulado de Dancmarca, Calle Sta Clara 9 Barcelona” as soon as possible since after receiving these we sail again and the next address will be “El Consulado de Dancimarca in Valencia” and at last our loving greetings from
your sincerely Lars, Anna, Peter, and Else.

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