St. Nazaire 10/9/1935
Yes, as you see, we are still in St. Nazaire. (can’t seem to get away). Now we have finally finished with all those affairs we have got and everything straightened out here. The weather is teasing us and if it’s not raining its too much wind or it comes straight from that corner (quarter) where we won’t to go. So we are stuck here but we are really well off here. The harbor is closed with a lock it is as peaceful as a millpond and we can lay by the dock. Furthermore, we have songs of the Rhein on our radio, tonight Hitler. Peters Lars, and Wauwau Were sitting officially quiet in the cockpit and listened to their “leader”. Anna sleeps. She has caught a cold in the throat, hopefully she will sleep it away. She has slept almost the entire day. Furthermore, we have many friends here by the editor of the local newspaper. Twice we have been out for dinner. Last time we got oysters and chicken, the last better than the first. Another day we had dinner by a local diver who is Danish or Norwegian ships chandelier. He gave us Norwegian newspapers. And last but not least we have our radio director so we have entertainment enough. The newspapers also want to receive articles from us later on. And finally we have found tanks that we can use for our water. We have a nice beach here but because of all the things going on we have not reached to enjoy one day there but perhaps we will also get around to do it.
The Fuhrer has spoken. Else sleeps but I am motivated by his screams will tell you two something, sorry that we are to far south that we can not receive Kalundbrog any more in our radio and not yet enough far douth that middle and south Europe could not cry out that loud in our ears. But as long as they only make noise it might go away. But when they start to bite what is said Denmark about it. We only seldom get to see a newspaper. We would like to go through the canal Mide to the Mediterranean but is this wise in regards of the situation? What do you think about it? Well, otherwise Else has told you everything. I could add to it that the people we know here in St. Nazaire are more that Else already told you. Almost every day we get visited by an interesting couple, which is only in St. Nazaire because of inheritance cases, otherwise got their home father south, once in Tanger, once on the canary islands or once at the Cape Verde or on one of the West Indies Islands or in the South Pacific (our dreams in sleepless nights) but always between latitudes 10 and 40. Their geographic knowledge is such, that they can call all the kwon places of the world with their Latitudes and Longitudes. Map pencil and paper must always be handy. When we talk together and then all turns around degrees. Just leave 40 Latitude and They say to us if they are true, we want to try out and then tell you but now I will stop. Else will probably have to write some more because of the finances.
Therefore, many hearty greetings from Peter