Restmore, 4/12/1935

Restmore, 4/12/1935
we are again installed here in “Restmore” and so we send first so many thanks to you because you put us up so nice during the Copenhagen visit and thanks for the nice things we got along. The trip to here went very well. we didn’t get seasick and Lars was running courageously forward and backward in the long hall with his woof dog and his wagon and told the engineer a lot of Chinese or played with the two other children who looked wonderfully after him while I was holding gossip with the wife who turned out to be Millie Gade Corson from New York who for some years ago swam across the channel. (note, ) She was very friendly and we had a lot of fun. We first arrived in Antwerp Tuesday at 9 o clock. Peter was on the dock but it was too late to come here since the caretaker said that Peter could sleep on board we stayed there until Wednesday morning where there was a big greeting welcome here of miss anna who had even become fatter since we left. She feels well and behaved herself satisfactorily so the ladies in the Club ship would like to buy her but the francs are of course not many sour herrings worth, so we refused. When Lars came on the road here, he hollered “Lily” and ran as fast as he could to her. Anna was kicking with her arms and legs when she saw us and now Peter is so well trained at being nurse so I am completely out of the game. He dresses her, washes her, gives her food and diapers. We were very busy arranging all the things we had along. The picture has been put up on the wall, the bookshelf had first to he varnished before the books got put in place. Peter has not much painted, it has been too cold and furthermore Peter’s parents have announced their visit here in the begining of May. So we won’t get off too suddenly it looks like. I am very sorry that I didn’t follow Valdemar’s advise with the 500 since now I will have to trouble you with sending money 100 kronen in Belgian Francs. We have got an offer for a new dingy that costs the same as we got for the Old one. One day there will arrive 65 Norwegian Kronen from Stavanger, then you can send them along, otherwise only 100 Kronen. Lars is so augfully happy for Annas doll. When she is asleep he gets permission to borrow it and then he gives it food, lets it look out of the porthole or holds it over the potty etc. and there are tears and teeth grinding when he has to deliver it back to her, poor Lars. Now it is bedtime so we say finished with the writing and many loving greetings, from Else (Lars, Anna, Peter)

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