Rysbrook 5/2/1935
Many thanks for both letters and the money which we received in perfect order. they look at us with suspicious eyes because of the new paper money bills, look at all the numbers and finally ask us if we had a machine that can make them. Hopefully we will manage to get through the troubles. furthermore we say many thanks for the good pictures. Lars Says “le” and “Nette” and “Lars” when he looks at them. we got shocked the other day when Lars fell into the water from a floating bridge where he was throwing stones down into the water. Peter got him up in a hurry, h could just grab him with his hands and I got the clothes off him, fire on the kerosene stove, and warm milk in a big rush, so it went off without a cold, but how he was frightened! The whole day went with him saying “falling water, cold” and he didn’t dare to walk without holding me by the hand and he is still very careful and frightened and that is just as well. The one year old child thanks for the doll, she is very happy about it. Unfortunately, she is hardly permitted to play with it except when Lars is asleep, since he is even happier for it, gives it food to eat, lets it sit on the potty, and puts it to sleep and reads aloud for it out of his book. Then Anna gets just barely permission to play with the Santa Claus doll and then everything works out. We have had terrible weather here, cold and rainy weather, but today it has finally improved and it was summerly warm, so even now at nine o’clock in the evening I sit outside in the fresh air. we hope that it stays this way so we can get off soon. Now we are only waiting for the family from Koln but we still don’t have confirmation of when they will come so it will probably not be before the end of the month that we can start. Here we have a lot f traffic of Danish ships 5 submarines came one day. When they were laying waiting at the train bridge we rowed over to meet them but when we came fairly close the bridge opened up and off they went right in front of our noses. We were more lucky with the “Bornholm”. We were standing on the bridge and hollered “good evening”, The Danish pavilion in Tivoli gets praised tremendously here in the newspaper. Of course, I remember the writings to Mr. Funder. Just lately last letter was sent off and I included one here. What do you think? Is it rough enough? I have given your address to the Norwegian police (not because they should pick you up) – but since it is undecided how much longer we will stay here and it is not nice to change the address when money is expected. I will now write up there and ask what is happening. I really hope that the tailor will send those krone at once. Otherwise you will have to get the amount from my book. We also had a nice Easter, the weather could have been better. The Germans were here the first day, and we were there the 2nd Easter day We haven’t got control of our weight. We are now almost vegetarians so we probably lose the excess again. The swimming lady from New York wrote a couple of nice words on a page for our book and promised to mail a picture of herself in a bathing suit via your address, so if a letter should arrive you may open it in order that you can admire her, too.
From all 4 of us,
Here is the room now for our loving greetings of us all four, yours Else.