The Web page of Joe

This is a collection of Joe P Gimenez writings

Some background

Joe Gimenez as he is known and Pat as he is known to others.

Is a true Islander from the island of St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

These writings will show you his true to life side .

JPG Story

We hold these rights to be self evident©


Sometimes late at night have you ever wondered what is going on in the world? With many time zones the world never sleeps. People wake up, and go to sleep in a never-ending cycle. The only difference is that changes are taking place24 hrs a day that we need to be aware of. It doesn’t matter what time zone you are in, what the color of your skin is or what your religion preference is, we all have needs and desires. While most of us in society have been brought up with the belief that if you work hard and really try you will succeed, there are others unfortunately that believe if you can somehow take a shortcut, say getting something that is not yours without being caught, you have reached your goal without any effort on your part. The bad thing about plan #2 is that someone had to suffer a loss for that person to reach his or her goal.

Many people think that the end justifies the means and they disregard the rights of all the other people whom they trample over to attain what they think is owed to them. I am not saying that people shouldn’t get ahead, no I am saying that there are rules to living this life, and we all have the same abilities, although we may not have all the same opportunities. Its unfortunate that this world looks at the United States as the only land of opportunity. How did we get to this point? Its funny when you think about it in a way. The United States is made up of peoples from various countries, cultures, and backgrounds, immigrants that came to this country with little more than the shirt on their back but stayed and hewed out a life for themselves far better than where they came from. So why can’t other countries do the same thing? They have intelligent, hard-working people…what the United States has that they don’t is freedom to be an individual, freedom to succeed or fail, freedom to be free. Now that sounds like a stupid sentence…Freedom to be Free. But think about it. Without Freedom how can you be free?

As the world shrinks around us and the terrorists with their religion and Jihad and Sheri law and trying to take over the world there is only one country that still has prevailed so far. The United States of America. Unfortunately, there are many people that ignore the warnings and the prophesy of impending doom from these radical extremists. We listen to the news with little more than a passing glance and go back to our routine. Thats exactly how freedom gets taken away. We are too laid back in defending our country. The same liberties that we fought for are the ones that will be our undoing. We must ensure that we don’t fall prey to the people whose sole purpose is to have world dominance. These aren’t the good ole days when you knew who your enemy was. It has become a blurred picture and the people around you may not be what they seem. For many years the United States has stood, provided assistance, sheltered the oppressed and provided handouts to many countries but it has become apparent that the phrase “don’t bite the hand that feeds you” doesn’t apply. The United States is now a target and unless the attitudes of real Americans change, we will be overrun and the very reason we came to America will become a thing of the past. It is sad that a country as great as the one we live in can be so naive as to think we can keep our way of life without taking internal action to stop the virus that is sweeping our land. You hear it on the news and the internet. People have rights but don’t’ let those rights condemn the people born and raised here that have come to be know as American.



So what does this mean?


I have listened to both the news and individuals and have come to believe that we stand at a divide in this global challenge. We must open our eyes before it is too late. Read the writing on the wall. I still can’t believe it but I know that as we let little things slip out of our grasp so too shall the great things and before long, we will submit to change and will not longer be a nation of freedom. We will be consumed by our own ignorance and apathy and we will give up all our beliefs because what our fore fathers wrote to secure our liberties will be of no consequence once we are over run by a religion foreign to us and a detriment to our existence as a free people and justifies their actions at every turn. None the less, we need to look at the grasshopper, and the ant as an example. The grasshopper saw a red ant one day and stopped to look at it because it was a curious looking thing. It was the first time he had seen one and studied it intently. The grass hopper thought to himself, I am much bigger than he so what do I have to fear, besides there is only one of him and he is harmless. While the grasshopper kept his interest on the ant a swarm came up from behind and devoured the grasshopper. As they made quick work of the grasshopper they moved on with the lone ant in the lead. The moral of the story is what you see isn’t necessarily what you think you see. You must be on guard at all times of you too may become like the grasshopper.