The Web page of Joe

This is a collection of Joe P Gimenez writings

Some background

Joe Gimenez as he is known and Pat as he is known to others.

Is a true Islander from the island of St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

These writings will show you his true to life side .

JPG Story

Time and People©


 When I think about Time I think about clocks, the minutes ticking by and a train speeding towards the end of the track. Never the less I continue each day more or less the same as the day before.  You see what is important is not the time used, the time left or even time. What is important is our relationships with each other. If we spent all our time worrying about time there would be no time left for anything else, and that would be a shame because there are so many things in this world that do not revolve around time.

The song says there is a time to live and a time to die, a time to laugh and a time to cry etc. They are stuck on this notion of time rules everything. Unfortunately for them, time does not rule everything God does. The creator took his time to build the world as we knew it. I’m sure he didn’t have a clock that he kept glancing at and thinking to himself…I’m behind schedule. He knew that there will always be time and rushing something as important as creating the world just couldn’t be.

So, too it is with relationships, the important thing is not to rush them because like concrete it takes time to solidify, and become stronger. Joe Croce sang about time in a bottle. He realized that you can’t bottle time you just have to use it as it comes along. Time magazine reflects on the present the past, and the future. They too know that time doesn’t stand still, but they also know that without people in the equation time would have little relevance. People refer to time as growing old together, they reflect on the number of years married, the time of their lives, how quickly time flies. I suggest these are all important but the one constant is people not time.

People can stop and talk and listen and hurt and cry and laugh and love. Time just keeps on moving without emotion. So, I ask you who cares about time.

Do what you need to do, live the life God gave you and forget about time. Time will take care of itself. In the final accounting, God won’t ask you what time it was, or what did you do with your time? He will ask you, who did you love, did I have an impact on your life, do you believe in me, did you follow my blueprint called the bible?  So, who cares about time, do what you have to do and forget about the rest of it.