The Web page of Joe

This is a collection of Joe P Gimenez writings

Some background

Joe Gimenez as he is known and Pat as he is known to others.

Is a true Islander from the island of St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

These writings will show you his true to life side .

JPG Story

The Common Thread©


Many times in our lives we come upon a question or a problem that we just can’t seem to solve. We find ourselves confused, and desperate to find the answer that overwhelms us. It consumes our very being to the point that nothing else matters.  This is a common flaw or perhaps perfection of the human psyche. Our inner workings dictate that we must find answers to questions and will go to great lengths to get them.

 Thus, makes up the common thread that all humans have in common: The drive to succeed, and not fail, or if we do fail, we will keep trying until we find the solution or the answer to the mystery before us. Think of it. Millions on Millions of people all over the earth each with the ability to think, solve, ask questions and eventually get to the answer they seek. Unfortunately, sometimes, its not the answer they want to hear.

Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease, but none the less you need the cure or the what if becomes a big question mark in your mind.  Where would we be is (if) Isaac Newton gave up, or if Einstein threw his hands up in the air, and all his great work did not have come to fruition? There are many “what if’s” in this world, but there is always someone that will take up the challenge to find what’s on the other side of the “if.” We need a whole range of people seeking answers in order for the human race to progress thru (through) life into the future and beyond. Most of the “what if people” are ones you see every day. They are scientists, teachers, doctors, Engineers, and yes we better not leave out the lawyers (their “what if” is “can I win the case?”), and finally let’s not forget those that soar into outer space.

They take the thread of our existence with them. Let’s be even more basic than that. What about the car we all prize. If Henry Ford had just stuck with one idea, the assembly line would not have come about, and we would still be waiting on a carriage instead of a taxi. Man has always tried to push the envelope, to reach out and let his mind do what it’s supposed to do. They say that the fastest computer cannot equal the human brain. Remember when computers took up whole rooms and now they fit in your pocket?

Don’t you think that this came about by the common thread and the desire to improve on what is? It happens every day around us. Someone invents a better mouse trap, and later someone else invents an even better one. God is a “what if person also”. He is a thinker and is thinking everyday how to get you to find him. He is very imaginative and leaves all sorts of clues to help you out. You might say he is the master thread that binds us together. He will not improve on his creation; however, he will improve on ways to get his creation to improve themselves (with a little guidance).

 Life is ever-changing, and it seems we must change with the times. If there is one thing I want you to come away with from reading this is that you are intertwined with everyone else. So don’t break the delicate thread that binds us; in fact, you may need to double up the thread so it won’t break. For, once you ‘are separated from everyone else, it is very hard to get back in line, your rightful place, the place the creator assigned to you on this earth. As Spock would say, “Live long and prosper, and the mission of Star Trek to” go where no man has gone before”. It may take some time, but you will eventually find out the “why” of our existence, and the “what” is the reason. Just hold on to the Common Thread.