The Web page of Joe

This is a collection of Joe P Gimenez writings

Some background

Joe Gimenez as he is known and Pat as he is known to others.

Is a true Islander from the island of St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

These writings will show you his true to life side .

J.P.G. Poems

Veterans ©

By Joseph P. Gimenez

 2010 for the Red Hook Series

Dedicated to countless men and women who defend our nation day and night!

VETERANS: United we stand divided we fall

Once you were in uniform and some of you still are

Your duty assignments sometimes took you very far

Away from your family and friends you hold so close

But they remained your strength while your country you gave the most.

To the farthest reaches of this planet we call home

You provided the resolve for our enemies to leave us alone

And when your mere presence was not enough

You showed them that our military had the right stuff.

You sacrificed all that you had so our country would survive

For our Nation comes with all the problems of staying alive

Your family, your nation depended on you

To bring the fight to the enemy and see the job through.

Some times in this endeavor our comrades are lost

They fought valiantly but paid the ultimate cost

The headstone in Arlington or names on a wall

Signified that these brave men gave us their all.

So if you are a Airforce, Army, Coast Guard, Navy or Marine

Enlisted or Officer or somewhere in between

You know what it’s like to have been on the scene

For some it was a nightmare but never a dream.

You gave it your best, what more can be said

Without your protection the worst is what I dread

Freedom isn’t free is a verse well read

We lie in our bed each night safe and secure

While thousands of miles away our heroes die on distant shores.

So on this Veterans Day which we hold each year

Let us be firm in why we come together here

It’s the men and women that we honor that go in harm’s way

That give us the freedom to work, play and pray.

Veterans whether Active, Reserve, or National  Guard

Deserve our respect it’s the least of their reward

They came through with flying colors that we all hold true

It’s THE FLAG of our country, The RED, THE White , THE BLUE.



Written by Joseph Gimenez on Veterans Day Nov 11 2010