J.P.G. Poems
Trees and Life ©
By Joseph P. Gimenez
2010 for the Red Hook Series
Leaves keep falling one by
They keep on falling till
their job is done
A tree once covered in
colors of gold
Is now stark and barren and
looking quite old.
How majestic was this tree
in the spring
Its foliage was green and
the birds would sing
It reached for the sun as it
grew each day
And the neighborhood
children on its branches would play
Soon there would be birds
building their nests
Cleverly disguising
themselves and at rest
In-between the leaves now
lush and so strong
That even the wind and the
rain did not belong
Now it is summer and the sun
is up high
The birds have all left
their nest for the sky
The tree that supported them
is left all alone
No more will they call this
mighty oak home
As fall approaches leaves
again fall
With each gush of wind the
leaves get more thin
And as the leaves disappear
to the trees disdain
It stands now naked and
There must be good in this
story you know
Everything has a cycle
around which it must go
Life never ends but
disguises itself
So, the next time you see
the tree it may be an elf.