J.P.G. Poems
The wind only blows where it wants to ©
By Joseph P. Gimenez
2010 for the Red Hook Series
The wind only blows where It wants to don‘t
you know,
There is no rhyme or reason for which
direction it does go.
All I know that on a hot summers day,
It cools us off in a most refreshing way.
The wind only blows where ever its told
It is a thing that’s free and cannot be
It stops at nothing as it goes along its
Giving coolness it will a visit pay
The wind unseen careens over the earth,
It gives relief to those of us here by
The tropical winds on our island do blow
They call them the trade winds and go where
they go.
The wind is magical for its unseen to all
It blows its magic in winter spring, and
It whispers in your ear as it goes along
its way,
It has much to do on its very busy day.
The wind sees all as it glides across the
Sometimes it’s so strong that a man cannot
Sometimes it’s as gentle as a first kiss
Sometimes it makes you reminisce.
Whatever you’re feeling when the chill in
the air,
Remember it’s your friend the wind and do
not despair
It will always come back when you need it
the most,