The Web page of Joe

This is a collection of Joe P Gimenez writings

Some background

Joe Gimenez as he is known and Pat as he is known to others.

Is a true Islander from the island of St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

These writings will show you his true to life side .

J.P.G. Poems

Saints, Sinners, and Preachers ©

By Joseph P. Gimenez

 2010 for the Red Hook Series

The SAINTS of long ago had a very tough road to hoe

They were persecuted all along the way

But kept their faith and goal in sight night and day

One thing they never forgot was to always pray


Sinners, unlike SAINTS, choose not to heed the golden rule

They played hooky from God’s commandments just like a fool

They did not stop to think what for them lay ahead

Until it’s too late and they are on their deathbed


Preachers we have all known a few

They, like those above, have differences too

All in all, we are a mixed lot they will attest

There’s Good and Bad but Preaching the bible is what we do best


Along the way we pick up some clues

Of which of God’s children will win and who will lose

You see it’s not what’s on the outside that ushers you in

It’s the what, and the why, and the where have you’ve been?


Saints, Sinners, and Preachers remind us of one task

We must strive to be righteous to our very last

Just like in school you will receive a grade

Are you ready to hear, “Enter my kingdom which for you I have made”?