J.P.G. Poems
Men are not made of Stone ©
By Joseph P. Gimenez
2010 for the Red Hook Series
I heard it said a long time
That men were solid images
or so
They revealed very little
but made their demands
As if they were built of
mortar and sand.
Throughout history as the
story goes
They brought their women
both love and woes,
From their loins off
springs, we would see
To carry on the legend of
what men should be
As months turn to years and
years to decades
The men made of mortar and
sand would diminish
Their hard ways would soften
as though
The heat melts the ice and
the new fallen snow.
Now we look at these men now
With our point of view
simply rearranged
Oh, how the change affects
us all
They are now flesh and blood
not mortar at all