J.P.G. Poems
By Joseph P. Gimenez
2010 for the Red Hook Series
Life is
something we either enjoy or abhor.
It is
something left for you at your door
It is
something you either pick up and wear
something discarded, and you live in despair.
For me
life is a gown that you wear each day
It gives
you a sense that you are here to stay
covers your faults to some degree
But when
others look what do they see?
your life the best that you can
it’s a free gift given to every man
What you
choose to do with this life that you own
Is a
decision you make all the days that you’re grown.
people waste this life foolishly
squabble away this thing that is free
wither like fruit on a tree
For a
lonely a life did they choose be
Life may
be short or life may be long
whatever length it be we find we all belong
To the
one who made the universe, and all within
For with
our journeys end we return to be with him
Some may
be ready some may be not
matters very little the wealth you have got
silver or gold cannot buy you a seat
On the
train bound for heaven with your hearts last beat.
others are full of life, it seems
have watched the world but have followed their dreams
For the
roadmap to happiness begins within
You must
use life to the fullest each day to the end.