Ancestors & Decendants of Ximenez-Gimenez- Jimenez
Who started our Gimenez Line and who followed the line to lead to each and everyone of us. Our surname Gimenez changed in many ways from Ximenez to Gimenez to Jimenez back to Gimenez. I will post in time.
Please help Hans make this site enjoyable for everyone by leaving a comment on the post or picture and adding your input.
List of things I need
your help by letting me scan a pictures.
Your family stories that you know (Good or Bad).
Who should I talk to for anything new.
Definition list
all the descendants of a common ancestor.
a group of persons united by the ties of marriage, blood, or adoption, constituting a single household and interacting with each other in their respective social positions.
all the descendants of a common ancestor.
About Me
I am Hans Dohm the son of Carlos. One of 11 that we know of. I am a retired computer geek that is now a family historian. I was shown the family tree by Carol and we have been busy collecting data and pictures.